Music Player

Click here to play some examples of my music!

Wednesday, 27 May 2009

Friday, 15 May 2009

Finished My Degree!

I've recently completed my degree in Creative Music Technology, so I thought I would post 3 of the projects I've worked on lately. I haven't got my grades yet, but fingers crossed!

My Major Project was An exploration of the creative applications of dynamic music in selected video games (quite a mouthful!). I created from scratch a proof-of-concept video game with a dynamic audio engine in order to demonstrate various adaptive audio techniques in action. You can see a video demonstration below. Apologies for the dodgy lighting and camera angles in the game - it's really just there to demonstrate the music!

I worked with Matt East, Thomas Miller and George Smith to create The Void, an experimental radio play influenced by Glenn Gould, John Cage and Samuel Beckett. It explores various perspectives on what a coma patient might experience, with particular reference to Alex Garland's book The Coma. Click here to play The Void.

The third project is my guitar processing controller, which is a box I mount on the end of my guitar and use to manipulate various effects that are processed by Max/MSP on my Mac. I made it by hacking up a PlayStation controller and connection the analogue sticks and some of the buttons to an Arduino USB interface. I've got the sticks controlling a pitch shifter and some filtering parameters, but they could easily be configured to control almost any guitar effect or other things such as video processing or surround placement.